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English translation for "中西地区"

regio centro-oeste

Related Translations:
中西部:  middle westmidwest
中西航空:  midwest airlines
中西别:  nakanishibetsu
中西米黄:  zhong xi beige
中西药品:  pharmaceuticals
中西联盟:  midwest league
中西部地区:  central and western regionscentralandwesternregio
中西部大学:  midwestern university
中西闻见录:  the peking magazine
中西忠诚公司:  midwestern fidelity corp
Example Sentences:
1.While a majority of chinese in the united states congregate on the east and west coasts , there are more than a hundred chinese churches and bible study groups in the midwest
2.The prime minister wen jiabao pointed it out in the 11st five year ’ s plan that the task to narrow the distance of western china and eastern china has been put on high agenda
3.Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition , as population growth in the northeast and midwest reaches a near standstill
译: 1980年的人口普查显示出这样一幅图景:随着东北和中西地区的人口增长几乎停滞不前,这个国家的地域竞争发展得越来越快。
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