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English translation for "中国人民银行法"

law of the people’s bank of china

Related Translations:
中国人民银行:  the people's bank of china
中国人民银行行长:  president of the people’s bank of china
中国人民银行总行:  the head office of the people's bank of china
中国人民银行 地方品牌:  people's bank of china
中国人民银行大连分行:  dalian branch of the chinese people's bank
中国人民银行邯郸市分行:  people’s bank of china handan branch
中国人民银行货币政策委员会:  currency policy committee of the people's bank of china
中国人民银行 pbc的意思相关词组:  pbc =people's bank of china
中国人民银行规定的其他变更事项:  other changes as stipulated by the people's bank of china
Example Sentences:
1.In a market economy , economic growth , price stability , adequate employment and export & import balance become the macroeconomic goals . in terms of monetary policies , the banking law of the people ' s bank of china , issued in 1995 , proclaims the single final goal which determines the monetary policy selection
Similar Words:
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