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English translation for "丘脑神经元"

thalamic neuron

Related Translations:
神经元群:  neuron pool
丘脑肿瘤:  thalamus tumourtumor of thalamus
新丘脑:  neothalamus
丘脑的:  thalamencephalicthalamic
丘脑瘤:  thalamic tumor
丘脑脚:  peduncles of thalamusstalks of thalamusthalamic peduncle
丘脑部:  metathalamuspars thalamicapartes thalamica
丘脑枕:  pulvinar of thalamus
丘脑带层:  zonal layer of thalamus
丘脑顶叶纤维:  fibrae thalamoparietalis
Example Sentences:
1.The temperature sensitivity of po of bkca channels disappeared completely and opposite results could be found in the absence and presence of h - 89 . conclusion : ( 1 ) the calcium - activated potassium channels in hypothalamic neurons had high ca2 + sensitivity and voltage dependence
结论: ( )下丘脑神经元bkk通道是同时具有高度的c4 ”敏感性及电压依赖性的双重门控皿道,且两种门控机制互相调控,这充分证实了bkc 。
2.In this experiment , the inside - out configurations of patch - clamp techniques were used to study the physiological properties , phosphorylation modulation and temperature sensitivity of bkca channel in hypothalamic neurons of newborn sd rats . objective : studing the physiological properties . phosphorylation modulation and temperature sensitivity of calcium - activated potassium channels ( bkca ) in hypothalamic neurons of newborn sd rats in order to elucidate the role of bicca channel in temperature regulation
本实验研究了sd乳鼠下丘脑神经元大电导钙激活钾通道( large - conductanceca ~ ( 2 + ) - activatedpotassiumchannels , bk _ ( ca ) )特性的温度依赖性及磷酸化对其温度依赖性的影响,以求为体温调节机制的最终阐明提供重要的理论依据。
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