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English translation for "专用船舶"

special ship

Related Translations:
专用生产:  captive production
专用实体:  application-specific entity
专用波段:  exclusive band
专用集成电路:  a lication ecific integrated circuit (asic)application specific integrated circuit asicapplication-specific integrated circuitasic application specific icasic application specific integrat
专用物料:  special materials for datacom oem productsspecial materials for wireless oem products
专用弓:  amazon bows
专用计算:  dedicated computing
专用电话:  private telephonespecial purpose telephonespecial telephone
专用车:  single fuel vehiclespecial carspecial purpose vehiclespecial vehicle
专用桥梁:  accommodation bridgeoccupation bridge
Example Sentences:
1.Shipbuilding - vocabulary - special vessel - equipment
2.Shipbuilding - vocabulary - special vessel - classification
3.The special - purpose semi - circular caisson installation barge , anding no . 1 , built and used for the second phase of the deep waterway regulation project in the changjiang estuary has been technically renovated into a special - purpose caisson launching barge , which , after the renovation , has become a horizontally submerging semi - submersible barge capable of shore touching and bottom resting
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