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English translation for "不知不觉一觉醒来"

am awaken without reason

Related Translations:
一觉醒来:  wake up after a sound sleep
我一觉醒来钟正好打十二点:  the moment the clock struck twelve i chanced to wake up. exactly
一觉醒来发现还可以睡上几小时:  waking uand realizing you still have a few hours left to sleepwaking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep
不知不觉:  imperceptibly; unconsciously; unwittingly; unknowingly; not knowing and not feeling; without one's noticing it 短语和例子他们睡了好几个小时, 不知不觉, 东方已破晓了。 they had a good sleep of a few hours without th
不知不觉中:  insensiblementunconsiousty
不知不觉地:  insensiblyinvoluntarilyunknowinglyunknowingly
不知不觉睡着:  drop off
不知不觉的:  imperceptible/unwittinginvoluntaryunconsciousunwitting
不知不觉地陷入:  slide into
不知不觉诱惑你:  frivolous lolamonella
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