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English translation for "不得已而用兵"

have no alternative but to resort to arms command troops

Related Translations:
用兵:  1.(使用武力) resort to arms; use military forces 短语和例子不得已而用兵 have no alternative but to resort to arms2.(指挥作战) command troops 短语和例子用兵如神 direct military operations with miraculous skill; deploy
不得已:  act against one's will; be forced to; have no alternative but to; have to 短语和例子不得已而求其次 have to be content with the second best; have no alternative but to give up one's preference; 不得已而为之
善于用兵:  well versed in the art of war
用兵学:  tactics
必不得已:  have no choice but to; be under the necessity of; could not but
不得已地:  unavoidably
不得已的:  forcednecessaryunavoidable
凡用兵之法:  sun tzu said: in war the general receives his commands from the sovereign
用兵之灾也:  these are the five besetting sins of a general ruinous to the conduct of war
因不得已杀人:  homicide by necessity
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