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English translation for "不可偷盗"

you should not steal

Related Translations:
偷盗:  steal; pilfer 短语和例子偷盗公款 embezzle public money
不偷盗:  not stealing
偷盗公款:  embezzle public money
入室偷盗:  crack a crib
偷盗一次:  once a thief always a thiefonce bitten twice shy
小量偷盗:  theft and pilferage
偷盗电影:  steal this movie
偷盗某物:  steal sth
神偷盗宝:  the hot rock
威胁孩子去偷盗:  bully boys into stealing
Example Sentences:
1.Do not take anyone ' s property or be false in act or word to another
2.You shall not steal , nor deal falsely , nor lie to one another
利19 : 11你们不可偷盗、不可欺骗、也不可彼此说谎。
3.Ye shall not steal , neither deal falsely , neither lie one to another
4.[ bbe ] do not take anyone ' s property or be false in act or word to another
5.Leviticus 19 : 11 “ do not steal . do not lie . do not deceive one another
利未记19 : 11 “你们不可偷盗,不可欺骗,也不可彼此说谎。 ”
6.Thou knowest the commandments , do not commit adultery , do not kill , do not steal , do not bear false witness , honour thy father and thy mother
7.[ kjv ] thou knowest the commandments , do not commit adultery , do not kill , do not steal , do not bear false witness , honour thy father and thy mother
8.Thou knowest the commandments , do not commit adultery , do not kill , do not steal , do not bear false witness , defraud not , honour thy father and mother
9.[ kjv ] thou knowest the commandments , do not commit adultery , do not kill , do not steal , do not bear false witness , defraud not , honour thy father and mother
10.You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor . you shall not covet your neighbor s house and all of his possessions . and the ones that are most important , the ones he shared with us first and those we need more than anything else are
在同一时间里, ?这样说,是你们都很熟识的:不可杀人不可奸淫不可偷盗不可作假见证陷害人不可贪恋人的房屋,并他一切所有的。
Similar Words:
"不可通约量" English translation, "不可通约数" English translation, "不可通约线段" English translation, "不可通约性" English translation, "不可同日而语" English translation, "不可透过膜的" English translation, "不可推翻的推定" English translation, "不可推翻的证据" English translation, "不可推翻地推定" English translation, "不可推搪" English translation