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English translation for "七年很痒"

chat nin han yeung
itchy heart

Related Translations:
:  动词(皮肤或黏膜受到轻微刺激时引起想挠的感觉) itch; tickle 短语和例子浑身发痒 itch all over; 怕痒 ticklish; 搔到痒处 scratch where it itches; hit the nail on the head; 你被蚊子咬的地方还痒吗? are your mosquito bites still itching? 如果你感到
痒的:  itchingitchypruriticurticant
喉痒:  itching of the throatitching throat
痒疥疮:  itch
怕痒:  ticklish
谷痒:  grain itch
喉咙痒:  tickly throat
痒测:  observation
麻痒:  morbillous pruritus
觉得痒:  suffer from have feel an itch
Example Sentences:
1.Truly reflecting hong kong people ! s attitudes of love and marriage , ! itchy heart ! tells a story of a married man who wants to look for excitement . .
Similar Words:
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