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English translation for "一面倒"

[ yīmiàndào ]
cop sided win one side game
lopsided win oneside game
Example Sentences:
1.I also don t think the condition is that bad
2.Awful . it was a one - sided game , and of course the dolphins won it
3.B : awful . it was a one - sided game , and of course the dolphins won it
4.Defining moment : the yankees headed to boston in mid - august on the heels of a lopsided loss at home to the orioles
5.And when sentiment is one - sided , sharp changes can occur with a momentum that can be destabilising to individual markets
6.She said , settling on to the sofa and gesturing to us to sit down beside her , gaston knows exactly what my playing is like
她一面对我们做手势要我们坐下,一面倒在长沙发上说, “加斯东知道我弹些什么。
7.The game was outright one - sided ? the defending champion vicky held the lead all along and beat her opponent 6 - 0 , 6 - 0 , 6 - 0
8.Seventeen minutes to nine , said thomas flanagan , as he cut the cards which ralph handed to him . then there was a moment of silence
“八点四十三分了, ”多玛斯弗拉纳刚说着,一面倒了一下高杰弱夫洗过的牌。
9.Personally , i am sure this film is not in my top 10 list , nevertheless , it is still one of the most important films produced in korea in the last few years
10.In consequence every applicati ron running on these platforms ? even software that is under a free software license ? n is putting 2350428297 the freedom of the user at ri k
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