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English translation for "一般惯例"

normative usage

Related Translations:
信用证统一惯例:  uniform customs and practice for documentary creditsuniform customs for credits
一般用量:  common-usage level
一般人:  average manaverage personcivilianeverymanthe man in the street
一般授权:  general authority
一般常数:  generic constant
一般工作人员:  general staff
一般订货:  an ordinary order
一般对数:  general logarithm
一般利润率:  general profit rategeneral rate of profit
一般建议:  general recommendation
Example Sentences:
1.According to your usual practice , the extra premium will be for our account
2.Technical drawings - screw threads and threaded parts - part 1 : general conventions
3.Practicing the dividing tax system is the general tradition of nation ' s market economy
4.The example uses popular conventions in soap , although the same lessons can be applied to other xml formats
5.We know that your usual practice is to insure for 110 % of the invoice value ; therefore , the extra premium will be for our account
我们知道按一般惯例,你们只按发票金额110 %投保,因此额外保险费将由我们负担。
6.The process complies fully with the normal practice of design competitions worldwide , and endorsed by the hong kong institute of architects
7.They made him understand that his poor rags would do to begin with , though it was customary for wealthy pirates to start with a proper wardrobe
8.The number of personnel required by the company shall be determined by the general manager in accordance with the general practice of similar manufacturing enterprises overseas but modified in light of the specific conditions in china
9.Whilst the hong kong courts would have jurisdiction over alleged offences committed in hong kong , subject to sufficient evidence , it is normal practice for the place where the arrests occurred to have first call to exercise its jurisdiction
10.Whilst the hong kong courts would have jurisdiction over alleged offences committed in hong kong , subject to sufficient evidence , it is normal practice for the place where the arrests occurred to have first call to exercise its jurisdiction
Similar Words:
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