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English translation for "一划"

stroll n./v
subdivision smaller grouor class produced by further dividing

Related Translations:
划粉:  tailor's chalk
扫划:  wiping
冲划:  impact driven pile
负载划区:  load block
企划案:  business caseproject planningproposal
十字划像:  iris cross
笔划字符:  stroke characters
划纹角:  dig in angle
除划痕:  remove scratch
五角星划像:  iris star
Example Sentences:
1.A flow in one direction could be the same as a dash in morse .
2.He can solve your financial problems with the stroke of a pen
3.Zan hairpin a zoned waves surging , the bitter suffering from hate
4.Number3 had rowed himself out and was slumped over his oar at the finish line
5.The teacher told him , one stroke is the character “ one ” , two strokes is the character “ two ” , three strokes is the character “ three ”
先生告诉他, “一划就是“一”字,两划就是“二”字,三划就是“三”字。
6.Yes , you can . a slight sweep over the pos terminal with your peony card and several punches on the keyboard will effect your payment for consumption immediately
7.B : yes , you can . a slight sweep over the pos terminal with your peony card and several punches on the keyboard will effect your payment for consumption immediately
8.18 i tell you the truth , until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter will pass from the law until everything takes place
9.Net . it is devided into two main parts : internal supply information management module and external internet - based material collaborative purchasing platform . the main content of this design includes : ( 1 ) knowledge and analysis of the process of purchaseing plan in the company ( 2 ) system design of material purchasing management system , detail design of material purchasing management system , ( 3 ) system implementation in the company , including data backup and conversion , and the interface with the original system original thought in this research is : using a collaborative commerce platform as a connection between internal material supply management module and and external supplies
本论文的研究工作主要包括以一几个方面: ( 1 )对科龙空调公司供应科进行调研,针对目前物料需求计一划和物料采购计划的制定和运行等过程进行分析,完成需求分析报告; ( 2 )完成物料协同供应管理系统的分析、设计和开发等研制任务; ( 3 )物料协同供应管理系统的实施、试运行和正式运行,其中关键是数据准备和历史数据的转换,解决与公司正在运行的mrpi工系统的数据接口,在试运行期间调试系统。
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