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English translation for "一再地"

over and over again

Related Translations:
一再:  time and again; again and again; repeatedly 短语和例子一再表示感谢 express one's gratitude again and again; 一再高呼 shout again and again; 一再警告某人 caution sb. repeatedly; 一再宣称 declare time and again; 同样的
一再宣称:  declare time and again
一再蹉跎:  let one opportunity after another slip away
一再错过:  sliand slide
一再提醒:  keep after
一再徘徊:  for another round
一再高呼:  shout again and again
表示一再:  acquaint ac
一再起立:  keeon standing up
一再发生:  happen or appear again or more than once
Example Sentences:
1.I was surprised to see its daily recurrent and repeated expression .
2.Perhaps he had enough animal strength and detached intelligence so that he could make another start .
3.I ' ve told them again and again not to play there
4.I have turned the idea over and over in my mind
5.In the end , she repeatedly said to all , " i love you .
6.I warned him again and again , but he would not listen to me
7.He lavished kisses upon his grandchild
8.He always does his work over and over until it is perfect
9.I warned them over and over again not to go skating on such thin ice
10.He repeated more than once
Similar Words:
"一再,再三" English translation, "一再,反复地" English translation, "一再,一次又一次" English translation, "一再表示感谢" English translation, "一再错过" English translation, "一再地,反复地" English translation, "一再地,再三地" English translation, "一再地打击" English translation, "一再地改变形式" English translation, "一再地拉" English translation