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English translation for "一件衣物"

an article of clothing

Related Translations:
衣物柔软精:  fabric softener
一件外套:  a coat
一件等:  pkg
一件衣裳:  an article of clothing
一件食品:  viand
一件瓷器:  a piece of china
一件艺术品:  an art
事情要一件一件地做:  there’s a time for everything
一件艺术作品:  p; a work of art
一件家俱:  a piece of furniture
Example Sentences:
1.He does not understand the intangible force ( and intelligence ) wrapped up in the soil of the earth - the force which provides him with every morsel of food he eats , every article of clothing he wears , every dollar he carries in his pockets
人类不了解地球上泥土里包藏的无形力量(和智慧) ,正是这种力量赋予人类每一口取用的食物、赋予人类所穿戴的每一件衣物、荷包里所携带的每一块钱。
Similar Words:
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