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English translation for "一个坏蛋"

a bad lot
bad egg

Related Translations:
坏蛋:  [口语] (坏人) bad egg; scoundrel; bad hat
小坏蛋:  nasty naughty boy
四坏蛋:  beavis and butt-head do america
老坏蛋:  fagin
大坏蛋:  a bad applethe big bad wolf
坏蛋公司:  bad company
彻头彻尾的坏蛋:  thorough scoundrel
超级大坏蛋:  dan-xp
镇的大坏蛋:  oogie boogie
狠整那个坏蛋:  resolutely punish that scoundrel
Example Sentences:
1.Tom felt that philip needed to be watched and that he was the son of a rascal .
2. "it is not a pleasant idea," they thought, "to be living thus side by side with a rascal. "
3.Stealing a sword so we can find a bad guy ,
4.You ' re not a bad guy , you ' re just not a very good one
5.On the bad guys ? - no . there ' s just one bad guy i ' m after
关于坏人的? -不是。我只看见一个坏蛋
6.- on the bad guys ? - no . there ' s just one bad guy i ' m after
-关于坏人的? -不是。我只看见一个坏蛋
7.John is really a bad apple . he always robs little girls ? bag
8.You don ' t seem like a bad guy . - that ' s what makes me good at it
9.A villain - to think o that
一个坏蛋你想想那件事吧! ”
10.- you don ' t seem like a bad guy . - that ' s what makes me good at it
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