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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

颚片 mandible
颚突 gnathism
颚胸 gnathothorax
颚花 mohawk weed
颚角 carniculus
颚针鱼 needlefish
颚骨 jawbone
ignorant good and honest
颛孙 a surname
颛孙师 Zhuansun Shi
颛民 good and honest people speci...
颛臾 Zhuanyu,a state in the Zhou ...
颛臾信 Zhuanyu Xin
颛蒙 ignorant
颛阳 Zhuan Yang
颛顼 Zhuanxu,a legendary monarch ...
颛顼和 Zhuanxu He
颜体 calligraphy style of Yan zhe...
颜元 Yan Yuan
颜成 a surname
颜成子游 Yancheng Ziyou
颜料 pigment
颜斶 Yan Chu
颜色 colour countenance
颜色不配 The colours don't match.
颜色太深 The colour is too dark. late
颜色柔和 a soft colour
颜色涂得不匀 The colour is not evenly spr...
颜色深了些 The colour is a bit too dark...
颜色深浅不同 of different shades
颜色的层次 gradation of colours
颜色相仿 be similar in colour
颜色相称 well matched in colour
颜色自若 be composed in countenance
颜色鲜艳 in gay colours
颜面 face
颜面扫地 lose face altogether
颜面神经 facial nerve prestige
额上沁出了汗珠 His forehead was oozing swea...
额凹 frontal pit
额外 extra
额头 forehead
额定 specified
额定人数 the maximum number of person...
额定转数 rated revolution
额手称庆 congratulate each other by r...
额数 a fixed number
额窦 frontal sinus a surname
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