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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

齐墩果 rice-shell
齐声 in chorus
齐声叫喊 cry out in chorus
齐声喝彩 cheer in chorus
齐声喝采 praise in chorus
齐声抗议 protest in chorus
齐声欢呼 cheer in unison
齐声歌唱 sing in unison
齐声狂笑 the wild chorus of laughter
齐声附和 second with one voice
齐声高呼 hail with one voice
齐备 all ready
齐大非偶 The state of Qi is too power...
齐头并进 go forward together at all
齐奏 playing in unison
齐季 a surname
齐季阳 Qiji Yang
齐家文化 the Qijia culture,a culture ...
齐家治国 regulate the family and rule...
齐射 salvo
齐射说 volley theory
齐师伐我 The Qi troops attacked us.
齐心 be of one mind
齐心一致 be uniform and one-hearted
齐心协力 make concerted efforts
齐放 multiple shooting
齐整 neat
齐整如一 uniform and trim
齐整的房屋 trim houses
齐楚 neat and smart
齐步走 quick march Quick time,march...
齐白石 Qi Baishi
齐着边儿画线 draw a line along the edgeⅤ ...
齐聚 oligomerization
齐聚物 oligomer
齐肩并进 keep abreast of
齐腰深 waist-deep
齐貌 a surname
齐貌明 Qimao Ming
齐集 assemble
齐齐整整 in good order
齑粉 fine powder
齿 tooth
齿亡舌存 The teeth are gone and the t...
齿冷 laugh sb. to scorn
齿唇音 dentilabial
齿如瓠犀 beautiful and even teeth lik...
齿如编贝 One's beautiful teeth are as...
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