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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

连诅带骂 alternate invective with cur...
连词 conjunction
连说带比划 gesticulate as one says be t...
连说带笑地走进来 enter laughing and talking
连谓式 sentence with consecutive pr...
连谱号 accolade
连贯 link up
连贯动作 sequence
连贯性 sequence
连贯步 enchainement
连跑带跳 skip and run
连跳蚤到手也要剥它一层皮 Flay a flea for the hide and...
连踢带打 both kick and beat
连蹦带跳 hopping and skipping
连轧机 tandem mill
连轴转 work day and night
连轴销 coupled axle-pin
连载 publish in instalments
连载小说 serial story
连连 repeatedly
连连丰收 reap bumper harvests in succ...
连连得手 succeed in doing sth. once a...
连连点头 nod repeatedly
连通 feed through
连通器 communicating vessels
连遭不幸 A succession of misfortunes ...
连铸机 conticaster
连锁 linkage
连锁三段论 sorites
连锁反应 chain reaction
连锁合同 chain contract
连锁商店 chain stores
连锁商店业务 chain-store operation
连锁商店营业 chain-store operation
连锁图 linkage map
连锁学习 chain learning
连锁证明 chain proof
连锁购买 linked-purchasing
连锁零售商店 retail chain store
连锅端 remove or destroy lock,stock...
连长 company commander
连队 company
连队政治工作 political work in company
连阡累陌 in every direction
连阴天 cloudy or rainy weather for ...
连降三级 be degraded three ranks
连雾 syzygium samarangense
连音变读 sandhi
连鬓胡子 full beard
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