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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

铁的纪律 iron discipline
铁皮 iron sheet rubber
铁盐 molysite
铁石心肠 heart of stone
铁矿 iron ore
铁砂 iron sand shot
铁砚磨穿 long years of persistence
铁砧 anvil
铁磁 ferromagnetic
铁磁共振 ferromagnetic resonance
铁磁性 ferromagnetism
铁磁物质 ferromagnetic material
铁窗 a window with iron grating p...
铁窗风味 taste of prison life
铁笔 a cutting tool used in carvi...
铁筋 reinforcing bar
铁箅子 grate gridiron
铁箍 hoop iron
铁管 iron pipe
铁素体 ferrite
铁索 cable
铁索吊车 cable car
铁索桥 chain bridge
铁红 iron oxide red
铁纱 wire gauze
铁纱网 gauze screen
铁纱罩 gauze cover
铁线莲 clematis
铁线蕨 capilliaire
铁线订书机 wire stitcher
铁脚板 iron soles
铁腕 iron hand
铁腕人物 ironhanded person
铁花 ornamental work of iron
铁苋菜 acalypha copperleaf
铁范 iron mould model
铁蒺藜 caltrop
铁蚕豆 roasted broad bean
铁血主义 blood-and-iron policy
铁血政策 the principle of blood and i...
铁观音 Tie Guanyin,a variety of ool...
铁证 ironclad proof
铁证如山 The ironclad details pile up...
铁质器具 iron implements
铁路 railway
铁路从这里开始有个微微向上的坡度 The railway slopes up slight...
铁路信号 railway signalling
铁路公路两用桥 railway and highway combined...
铁路公路联运 railmotor
铁路内燃机车 beeliner
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