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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

铁心 have a heart of iron
铁打江山 unshakable state power
铁打的江山 unshakable state power viole...
铁拳 iron fist
铁搭 a rake with three to six tee...
铁撬棍 grab iron
铁易锈损 Iron corrodes easily.
铁有多种用处 Iron has a variety of uses.
铁木 ironwood
铁杆 gavelock
铁杆分子 hardcore
铁杉 hemlock
铁杉木材 hemlock
铁杵成针 An iron pestle can be ground...
铁板 iron plate
铁板一块 be a monolithic whole
铁板钉钉 decided
铁栅 iron railings
铁树 sago cycas
铁树开花 the iron tree in blossom -- ...
铁案如山 borne out by ironclad eviden...
铁桶 metal pail
铁桶一般 hold... in a grip of iron
铁椅子 secured official
铁比铜容易铸型 Iron casts better than coppe...
铁水 iron melt
铁水包 foundry ladle
铁水奔流 molten iron pouring out in a...
铁水罐 hot-metal bottle
铁汉 man of iron
铁汉无情 A man of iron is hardhearted...
铁沙子 iron pellets
铁活 ironwork
铁流 flowing molten iron strong a...
铁渣 scum
铁爪 iron claw
铁爱生锈 Iron rusts easily.
铁片子 small pieces of sheetiron vi...
铁牛 tractor
铁牛是拖拉机的别名 Iron-ox is another name for ...
铁环 iron hoop link
铁甲 armour
铁甲板 iron deck
铁甲船 ironclad
铁甲车 armored vehicle
铁电 ferroelectric
铁电现象 ferroelectricity
铁画 iron picture
铁的事实 ironclad evidence
铁的化学性质 the chemical properties of i...
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