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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

给人穿小鞋 give sb. tight shoes to wear...
给他一点苦头吃 give him a lesson
给他一点颜色看看 make it hot for him
给他个下马威 deal him a head-on blow at t...
给他个迅雷不及掩耳的突然袭击 hit him so fast that he won'...
给他们找个台阶下吧 Give them an out.
给他说句好话 put in a good word for him f...
给他递个口信 take a message to him
给以 give
给以严厉制裁 mete out severe punishment t...
给以充分的重视 pay ample attention to
给以协助 render assistance to
给以好评 give good opinions
给以有力的回击 strike a powerful counterblo...
给以毁灭性打击 deal a crushing blow
给以精神上的慰藉 administer spiritual comfort
给以补偿 recompense
给企业注入新的活力 instil new vitality into ent...
给优胜者发奖 award prizes to the winners
给伤口擦碘酒 apply iodine to a wound
给你饶上一个 I'll let you have one more.
给信器 letter feeder
给养 provisions
给养不足 be short of supplies
给养充足 be abundantly provisioned
给军属拜年 pay New Year calls to servic...
给出港船舶导航 pilot the ships out
给句子润色 polish a sentence
给囚犯动刑 put a prisoner to torture
给国营企业以更大的自主权 give state-owned enterprises...
给坏人打掩护 shield the evildoer
给外国电影配音 dub foreign films
给女儿一份嫁妆 dower a daughter
给她去个电话 Give her a ring.
给她筛一杯酒 Pour her a glass of wine. wa...
给妈妈一件礼物 give one's mother a gift
给婴儿喂奶 give suck to a baby
给婴儿断奶 wean one's infant
给学生安排住宿 arrange accommodation for th...
给学生注册 register the students
给孩子取个名儿 choose a name for a child
给孩子旋个苹果吃 Peel an apple for the child.
给孩子洗澡 bath the baby
给孩子焐一焐手 warm the child's hands
给孩子讲村史 tell the children about the ...
给定 given
给定值 given value
给家里汇钱 remit money to one's family
给家里邮钱 remit money to one's family
给小孩喂饭 feed a baby
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