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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

绝对值 absolute value
绝对值界限 absolute bound
绝对值符号 absolute value sign
绝对值误差 absolute value error
绝对利益 absolute advantage
绝对卧床 strict bed rest
绝对压力 absolute pressure
绝对可靠 absolutely reliable
绝对地租 absolute rent
绝对多数 absolute majority
绝对完美的词典是罕见的 Absolute perfection in a dic...
绝对平均主义 absolute equalitarianism
绝对成本 absolute cost
绝对担保 absolute guaranty
绝对权利 absolute right
绝对概念 absolute concept
绝对民主 absolute democracy
绝对气压 absolute atmosphere
绝对温度 degree Kelvin
绝对湿度 absolute humidity
绝对界限 absolute bound
绝对真理 absolute truth
绝对禁制 absolute prohibition
绝对禁制品 absolute contraband
绝对精度 absolute precision
绝对表达式 absolute expression
绝对观念 absolute idea
绝对误差 absolute error
绝对豁免权 absolute immunity
绝对转让 absolute assignment
绝对量度 absolute measurement
绝对零度 absolute zero
绝对高度 absolute altitude
绝干 oven dry
绝干材 absolutely dry wood
绝户 without offspring
绝技 unique skill
绝技异能 extraordinary skill and wond...
绝招 unique skill unexpected tric...
绝无仅有 the only one of its kind
绝无其事 nothing of the kind
绝无此意 have absolutely no such inte...
绝早 extremely early absolutely
绝望 give up all hope
绝汗 apogee sweating
绝没有好下场 will come to no good end
绝活 unique technique
绝灭 die out
绝灭战 war of extermination
绝热 adiabat
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