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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

瘘管切开术 syringotomy
瘘管切除术 fistulectomy
瘘管形成 fistulization
瘘管成形术 syringoplasty
瘘管试验 fistula test
瘙痒 pruritus
瘙痒感 scratchiness
瘛疭 clonic convulsion
acute communicable diseases
瘟头瘟脑 go about in a daze
瘟疫 pest
瘟疫区 pesthole
瘟疫学 pestology
瘟疫正在那一地区流行 A pestilence was raging in t...
瘟疹 diseases like typhus,scarlet...
瘟病 seasonal febrile diseases
瘟神 god of plague
瘠人肥己 exhaust others to enrich one...
瘠土 poor soil
瘠环 Ji Huan
瘠田 barren land
瘠薄 barren
瘠薄土壤 hungry soil
瘠薄的山坡地 barren land on a mountain sl...
瘢痕 scar
瘢痕切除术 keloidectomy
瘢痕成形术 keloplasty
瘢痕疙瘩 cheloid
瘢痕瘤 cheloid
瘤可宁 chlorambucil
瘤子 tumour
瘤溶解 oncolysis
瘤石 knobstone
瘤细胞 oncocyte
瘤肿 struma
瘤肿病 tubercle
瘤肿锈病 gall rust
瘤胃 rumen
瘤胃炎 rumenitis
瘤胃积食 grainsick
瘤胃穿刺法 rumenocentesis
瘤节 burrknot
瘤蝽 phymatid
瘤鸭 comb duck
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