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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

秋季将有新节目在电视上出现 New programmes will appear i...
秋庄稼 autumn crops
秋征 collection of agricultural t...
秋恙螨病 trombidiasis
秋扇见捐 be cast aside like the fan i...
秋播 autumn sowing
秋播作物 autumn-sown crops
秋播品种 autumn planted variety
秋收 autumn harvest
秋收冬藏 harvesting in autumn and sto...
秋收即将开始 The autumn harvest is about ...
秋收在望 The autumn harvest is at han...
秋收秋种 autumn harvesting and sowing
秋收起义 the Autumn Harvest Uprising
秋景 autumnal scenery prospects f...
秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然的人们的宠爱 The autumn moon has always b...
秋月春风 the autumn moon and spring b...
秋末冬初 It was the time of the year ...
秋枫似炬 The maple tree stood like a ...
秋枫吐火 In autumn the maple leaves t...
秋梢 autumn growth
秋植 fall planting
秋残冬初 the end of autumn and the be...
秋毫 autumn hair
秋毫之末 the tip of an animal's autum...
秋毫无犯 not to injure the people in ...
秋水 autumn water -- limpid eyes
秋水仙 meadow saffron
秋水仙碱 colchicin
秋水仙裂碱 colchiceine
秋水伊人 thinking of an old acquainta...
秋水潺暖 Gently flow the autumn strea...
秋汛洪水 fall flood
秋沙鸭 goosander
秋波 bright eyes of a beautiful w...
秋波传情 give sb. the glad eye
秋波暗送 send silent and endearing me...
秋波流媚 glance at sb. with a soupcon...
秋波盈盈 One's sidelong glance has th...
秋海棠 begonia
秋热 old wives' summer
秋燕南归 In autumn the swallows fly t...
秋牡丹 Japanese anemone
秋瑾 Qiu Jin
秋生家 Qiusheng's wife
秋种 autumn planting
秋粮 autumn grain crops
秋老虎 after summer
秋耕 fall-plow
秋耕休闲 dead fallowing
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