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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

正教授 full professor regular
正数 positive number
正文 main body
正方 squart
正方体 cube
正方向 positive direction
正方形 square
正方柱 tetragonal prism
正方锥 tetragonal pyramid
正旦 the lunar New Year's Day
正时 correct timing
正是时候 at an opportune time
正是此时此地 right here and now
正是这些人创造了这样伟大的奇迹 They are the very people who...
正月 the first month of the lunar...
正月初一 the lunar New Year's Day
正本 reserved copy original
正本清源 reform from the bottom
正极 positive pole
正极引线 positive wire
正极接地 plus earth
正极板 positive plate
正果 the spiritual state of an im...
正枝正叶 the linear descendant
正桥 the bridge proper
正梁 ridge purlin bridge ridge
正棱柱体 regular prism
正楷 regular script
正正经经 in earnest
正步 parade step
正殿 main temple or palace right
正比 direct ratio
正比例 direct ratio
正气 healthy atmosphere
正气上升 A healthy wind prevails.
正气凛然 awe-inspiring righteousness
正法 execute
正派 upright
正派人 a decent person
正点 on time
正点抵达 arrive to the moment
正点运行 running on schedule
正犯 principal offender
正理 correct principle
正电 positive electricity
正电子 positive electron
正电极 positive erectrode
正电荷 positive charge
正盐 normal salt
正直 honest
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