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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

政治标准 political criterion
政治民主 political democracy
政治气候 political climate
政治活动 potilical activities use per...
政治派别 political grouping
政治清洗 unperson-hunt
政治片 political film
政治犯 political offender
政治环境 political setting
政治理论 political theory
政治理论教育 education on political theor...
政治理论课 political and theoretical su...
政治生活 political life live
政治生活民主化 democratization of political...
政治眼光 political foresight view
政治社会学 political sociology
政治空气 political atmosphere
政治立场 political stand
政治纪律 political discipline
政治纲领 political program
政治组织 polity
政治经济学 political economy school
政治经济学批判 critique of political econom...
政治罪行 political offense
政治背景 political background
政治舞台 political arena
政治表现 political behavior
政治观点 political point of view
政治觉悟 political consciousness
政治计谋 political plot
政治课 political study
政治资本 political stock-in-trade
政治路线 a political line
政治较量 trial of political strength
政治辅导员 a political instructor
政治运动 political movement
政治迫害 political persecution
政治避难 asylum
政治避难权 asylum right
政治部 political department
政治部主任 chief of political departmen...
政治野心 political ambition
政治闭塞 politically uninformed
政治陷害 political frame-up
政治集团 political grouping
政治面目 political affiliation
政治面目不清 of dubious political backgro...
政治革命 political revolution
政治风险 political risk
政治骗子 a political swindler
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