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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

利少弊多 more harm than good.
利尿 diuresis
利尿剂 diuretic
利尿排石 diuresis and expelling stone
利尿药 diuretic
利己主义 egoism
利己主义者 egoist
利己享乐主义 egoistic hedonism
利己害人 benefit oneself at the expen...
利市 profit
利市三倍 make threefold profits
利市十倍 sell off sth. at a profit of...
利废工厂 conservation plant
利弊 advantages and disadvantages
利弊得失 advantages and disadvantages...
利形 sharp
利息 interest
利息单 interest bill
利息回扣 interest rebate
利息均等税 interest equalization tax
利息差额 interest differential
利息平衡关系 relationship of balanced ben...
利息平衡基金 interest equalization fund
利息平衡税 interest equalization tax
利息成本 interest cost
利息支出 interest exchange
利息收入 interest income
利息政策 interest policy
利息暂记 interest suspense
利息条款 interest clause
利息税 interest tax
利息索赔 claims for interest
利息补贴 interest subsidization
利息费用比率 ration of interest expense
利息还原 capitalization of interest
利改税 replacement of profits by ta...
利权 economic rights financial po...
利权外溢 Vested rights overflow outwa...
利析秋毫 be astute in conducting fina...
利欲熏心 be reckless with greed
利比亚 Libya
利比亚人 Libyan
利比里亚 Liberia
利比里亚人 Liberian
利润 profit
利润保险 profit insurance
利润再投资 reinvested earnings
利润准备 profit reserve
利润分享有价证券 profit sharing securities
利润分享预测 earnings per share forecasti...
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