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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

串门走户 pass from house to house
串门过访 go from house to house to ta...
串音 babble
串骗 gang up and swindle sb. get ...
串骗钱财 collaborate to get money by ...
串鼻子 cotton up to
临一临汉碑 try to copy a Han inscriptio...
临了 finally
临事仓惶 be startled at a crisis
临事踌躇 hesitate at a step
临产 about to give birth
临产阵痛 labour pains
临刑 at the time of execution
临别 at parting
临别之际 at the time of parting
临别赠言 give a parting advice -- val...
临到 be about to
临到开会 when the meeting was about t...
临到收获 as the time for harvest draw...
临动 be close to
临危 be dying facing death or dea...
临危不乱 be calm in the hour of peril
临危不惧 be fearless in face of dange...
临危不顾 leave sb. in the lurch
临危受命 be entrusted with a mission ...
临危授命 give up one's life in a crit...
临危畏缩 quail before dangers
临去秋波 look round with a bewitching...
临场拆台 withdraw support unexpectedl...
临场教练员 bench coach
临场时间 approach time
临场途径 approach path
临场速度 approach speed
临头 befall
临孝存 Lin Xiaocun
临崖勒马 hold in one's horse near a p...
临帖 practise calligraphy after a...
临床 clinical
临床化学 clinical chemistry
临床医学 clinical medicine
临床医师 clinician
临床应用 clinical practice
临床教学 clinic
临床检查 clinical examination
临床病理学 clinicopathologia
临床症状 clinical symptoms
临床药理学 clinical pharmacology
临床营养 clinical nutrition
临床表现 clinical manifestation
临床观察 clinical observation
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