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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

他每次去野营都佩带腰刀 He went camping with a knife...
他比他的实际年龄显得年轻 He looks young for his years...
他比对手略胜一筹 He is one upon his opponent.
他比我先到 He arrived earlier than I di...
他比我大三岁 He is three years senior to ...
他比我年纪小得多 He is younger than I by much...
他比我强 He is better than I. to
他比我长一辈 He belongs to my father's ge...
他比画着讲 He made himself understood w...
他比过去胖多了 He's much fatter than he use...
他毫不费力地举起了这块大石头 He lifted the big rock witho...
他毫不踌躇去救那个落水的小孩 He did not hesitate for a mi...
他气冲冲地走了 He went angrily.
他气喘吁吁地讲出口信 He panted out his message.
他气得脸色发紫 He became purple with rage.
他沉默了一会又继续说下去 After a moment's silence he ...
他没干完的事决不会放下不干 He will not lay it down unti...
他没找到他要的东西 He had not found what he wan...
他没有什么要懊悔的 He has nothing to repent of.
他没有充分发挥其才能的场所 He had not an adequate arena...
他没有出面 He did not show up.
他没有否认这些事实 He didn't deny the facts.
他没有吸烟的嗜好 He has no habit of smoking.
他没有按我的命令行动 He did not act upon my order...
他没有捞到任何好处 He has gained nothing.
他没有朋友也没有亲人 He has neither friends nor r...
他没有脱身机会 He had no chance to get away...
他没有表态 He didn't say which side he ...
他没有表明态度 He didn't make his attitude ...
他没有资金来施行他的计划 He hasn't the funds to carry...
他没有领会我的话 He didn't understand what I ...
他没着儿了 He's at the end of his tethe...
他没能解开她心中的疙瘩 He hadn't unravelled the kno...
他没说旁的话 He didn't say anything else.
他没走多远我就追赶上了 I caught him before he had g...
他活不过今宵 He will not outlive this nig...
他活像我从前认识的一个人 He is the image of someone I...
他浑身湿得像只落汤鸡 He was wet all over like a d...
他消失在夜色中 He disappeared into the nigh...
他涉嫌为这次凶杀案的同谋 He is suspected as an accomp...
他深信自己必将成功 He profoundly believed in hi...
他深信这报告是真实的 He is deeply convined of the...
他深情地望着满脸皱纹的母亲 He gazed with deep feeling a...
他混进人群里就不见了 He mingled with the crowd,an...
他清醒过来后表示道歉 He apologized when he sobere...
他渐渐发胖了 He is gaining flesh.
他游遍了法国 He travelled France from end...
他溺水后被救了上来 He was saved from drowning.
他滚了一个雪球 He rolled a snowball.
他满心希望获奖 He hopes from his very heart...
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