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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

他是谁 Who is he?
他是这一学派思想的集大成者 He epitomized the thought of...
他是这一带的豪门富户 He belongs to the rich and p...
他是这个国家唯一的一位名副其实的诗人 He is the only poet in this ...
他是那个商行的主脑 He's a leading light of the ...
他是非不分 He couldn't distinguish righ...
他是靠贩卖军火发迹的 He rose by dealing in muniti...
他是马拉松赛跑选手 He is a marathon runner. mar...
他显得有点紧张 He seems a bit nervous.
他显得苍老了 He looks old. vigorous
他显然对你这种怨天尤命的态度不满意 He seemed annoyed at your co...
他晃晃悠悠地往前走 He was hobbling along.
他晕倒时幸好旁边正有一个医生 As luck would have it,a doct...
他普通话说得很标准 He speaks putonghua quite co...
他暗暗发誓要为牺牲的同志报仇 He vowed to himself to aveng...
他暗示了他来访的意图 He hinted about the purpose ...
他暗示要我走开 He hinted that he wanted me ...
他暗笑自己傻气 He laughed a little to himse...
他曲解这些字的真正意义 He has wrung the words from ...
他曾在北京大学物理系肄业两年 He studied physics in Beijin...
他曾多次访问大连 He's visited Dalian many tim...
他曾旅居海外多年 For many years he had lived ...
他曾来过五六次看他的姐姐 He had come half a dozen tim...
他曾经在上海住过 He once lived in Shanghai.
他曾经随文化代表团到中国来过一次 He was once on a cultural de...
他最喜欢找我的岔了 He loved best to find fault ...
他最爱踢足球 He likes to play football.
他最爱鼓捣收音机 He likes to tinker with radi...
他最近不大来 He hasn't been coming around...
他有一个绝对不能告诉任何人的隐私 He has a private matter whic...
他有一儿一女 He has a son and a daughter.
他有一副天真的模样 He wears an air of innocence...
他有一手好手艺 He's a real craftsman.
他有一股子使不完的劲 He just doesn't know what it...
他有一部分教育是在英国接受的 He received part of his educ...
他有三个孩子要扶养 He had three children to sup...
他有不屈不挠的意志 He is endowed with indomitab...
他有严重的心脏病 He has a badly-diseased hear...
他有个百万富翁的父亲 He had a millionaire father.
他有了一些成绩就自满起来 He became self-satisfied bec...
他有他哥哥那么高 He is as tall as his brother...
他有俩钱儿 He has some money.
他有六十开外了 He is over sixty.
他有好多朋友 He has a host of friends. ho...
他有妻儿老小要扶养 He has a wife and family dep...
他有妻室儿女要养活 He has a wife and family to ...
他有弄虚作假的嫌疑 He is suspected of employing...
他有强烈的责任感 He has a strong sense of dut...
他有很强的求知欲 He has a strong thirst for k...
他有很强的自信心 He was possessed of great se...
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