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English translation for "法庭颁令"

court order

Related Translations:
压力颁测绘继电器:  pressure-plotting relay box
原判法庭:  original court
惩戒法庭:  correctional tribunal
法庭程序:  court procedure
法庭印鉴:  seal of the court
法庭警卫:  by law
终审法庭:  court of last instancecourt of last resort
王室法庭:  king's bench division
法庭科学:  forensic science
公开法庭:  open court
Example Sentences:
1.Council agrees in general to the recommendation but proposes that the scope should be extended to cover other periodical payments ordered by the court
2.Applicant s birth certificate , parents marriage certificate or a relevant court order to prove the legal guardianship in respect of the applicant
3.The same father , osvaldo oliveira soares , has form for trying to use babies as political statements . nine years ago , he was banned from naming a previous son saddam hussein
同是这位父亲, 9年前曾为他的另一名儿子取名萨达姆侯赛因,被法庭颁令禁止。
4.Proof of legal guardianship e . g . applicant s birth certificate , parents marriage certificate or a relevant court order to prove the legal guardianship in respect of the applicant
5.Proof of legal guardianship ( e . g . applicant s birth certificate , parents marriage certificate or a relevant court order to prove the legal guardianship in respect of the applicant )
6.Parent s marriage certificate ( for married couples ) , or a relevant court order , if appropriate , should also be produced to prove that the parent concerned has custodial rights in respect of you
同时亦须提交父母的结婚证书(如属已婚夫妇) ,或在适用情况下,提交有关的法庭颁令,以证明有关的父亲或母亲对你拥有管养权。
7.Your birth certificate and your parent s marriage certificate for married couples , or a court order , if appropriate , to prove that the parent or legal guardian concerned has custodial rights in respect of you
8.In hong kong , our law recognises that the victims of personal injuries , including medical negligence , are entitled to be awarded by courts full compensation for loss attributable to the fault of the tortfeasor
9.V . your birth certificate to prove the relationship between the consenting parent and you , or a court order , if appropriate , to prove that the consenting legal guardian has custodial rights in respect of you ; and
你的出生证明书,以证明同意这项申请的父、母与你的关系;或法庭颁令(如适用) ,以证明同意这项申请的合法监护人对你拥有管养权
10.Your birth certificate to prove the relationship between the consenting parent and you , or a court order , if appropriate , to prove that the consenting legal guardian has custodial rights in respect of you ; and
你的出生证明书,以证明同意这项申请的父、母与你的关系;或法庭颁令(如适用) ,以证明同意这项申请的合法监护人对你拥有管养权;或
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