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English translation for "week-end"

n. week-end, weekend, days of the week when one usually rests and does not go to work, days of rest at the end of the week (generally saturday and sunday)
Example Sentences:
1.The bilderberg meeting is starting at the weekend.
la réunion du "groupe bilderberg" débute ce week-end.
2.There have already been demonstrations this weekend.
ce week-end déjà , des manifestations ont eu lieu.
3.This is primarily about weekend journeys.
il s'agit en premier lieu des trajets du week-end.
4.She came back at the weekend.
elle est revenue ce week-end.
5.I was in burma this weekend.
j'étais en birmanie ce week-end.
6.I visited the dublin institute last weekend.
je me suis rendu le week-end dernier au dublin institute.
7.Last weekend was a triumph for communication.
le week-end dernier a été un triomphe pour la communication.
8.This is also what india suggested last weekend.
c'est aussi ce que l'inde a proposé le week-end dernier.
9.Some of them have no weekend duty staff.
le service n'est en grande partie pas assuré le week-end.
10.25,000 cacti planted there every summer.
Une cinquantaine de bouquinistes exposent chaque week-end.
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