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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

valeria messaline n. valeria messalina (22-48)...
valet n. manservant, valet, knave
valet de chambre n. valet, personal manservan...
valet de pied n. footman
valetta n. valetta, capital of malta
valeur n. value, worth, price; meri...
valeur absolue n. absolute value, value of ...
valeur actuelle n. present value, present wo...
valeur en capital n. capital value
valeur en douane n. customs value
valeur imposable n. rateable value
valeur locative n. rental value, letting val...
valeur marchande n. market value
valeur minimale n. minimal value
valeur nominale n. face value
valeur nutritive n. nutritive value, degree o...
valeureusement adv. valorously, bravely, co...
valeureux adj. valorous, brave, courag...
valeurs n. values, securities
valeurs de premier ordre n. blue chip, (in economics)...
valeurs familiales n. family values
valeurs morales n. moral values
valeurs sociales n. social values
valgus adj. valgus, characterized b...
valhalla n. valhalla, palace of the g...
validation n. validation, authenticatio...
valide adj. valid, available, effec...
validement adv. validly, legitimately; ...
valider v. validate, confirm, legali...
valideuse n. lot machine
valine n. valine, amino acid found ...
valise n. suitcase, valise; case, b...
valise de voyage n. travelling bag, traveling...
valise diplomatique n. diplomatic bag, pouch
valium n. valium, brand of tranquil...
vallauris n. vallauris, city in southe...
valloire n. valloire, city in france
vallon n. small valley (geography)
vallorbes n. vallorbes, city in france
valoche n. (informal) case, bag
valoir v. hold good, worth, run, be...
valoir pour v. apply, hold
valoir qqch v. be worth something
valorisation n. valorization, appreciatio...
valoriser v. valorize, establish and m...
valparaiso n. valparaiso, seaport in ch...
valse n. waltz, couples' dance in ...
valser v. waltz, dance to waltz mus...
valserine n. valserine, city in france
valseur n. waltzer, one who waltzes
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