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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

urticaire n. urticaria, skin condition...
urticant adj. stinging, producing or ...
uruguay n. uruguay, country in south...
uruguayen adj. uruguayan, of or about ...
uruk n. uruk, sumerian city in an...
us n. custom, habit; tradition;...
usa usa, country located south o...
usage n. use, employment, practice...
usage impropre n. misuse
usager n. user, one who uses
usager de la route n. road user
usager des transports en commun qui voyage debout n. straphanger
usages n. manners, proper conduct o...
uscg u.s.c.g., united states coas...
usda u.s.d.a., united states depa...
usenet n. usenet, network which pro...
user v. use, employ; consume, uti...
user de v. use, exercise, employ, wi...
user de faux fuyant v. prevaricate
user de faux fuyants v. equivocate
usernet n. newsgroup, group of peopl...
usinable adj. machineable, may be mec...
usinage n. machining, production by ...
usine n. factory, plant, manufacto...
usine atomique n. atomic energy plant
usine de laminage n. rolling mill
usine de papeterie n. paper mill
usine de terreau n. pug mill
usine hydraulique n. waterworks, system for pr...
usiner v. machine
ussel n. ussel, city in france
ustensile n. utensil, instrument
ustensiles de cuisine n. kitchenware, kitchen appl...
usuel adj. usual, common, regular,...
usuellement adv. usually, commonly, gene...
usufruit n. usufruct, right of use of...
usufruitier adj. usufructuaryn. usufruct...
usuraire adj. usurious, of or related...
usure n. wear, usury, attrition
usure normale n. wear and tear, worn state
usurier n. usurer, moneylender who c...
usurpateur n. usurper, one who usurps
usurpation n. usurpation, unlawful take...
usurpatoire adj. usurpatory, of or relat...
usurper v. usurp, seize, appropriate
ut n. ut, musical note c, first...
uta union of aero-transport work...
utah n. utah, state in the wester...
ute adj. ute, member of the ute ...
utile adj. useful, helpful, practi...
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