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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

saisisseur n. grasper, one who grasps o...
saison n. season, one of the four q...
saison des pluies n. rainy season
saisonnier adj. seasonal, pertaining to...
sakamoto ryuichi n. sakamoto ryuichi (born 19...
sakhaline n. sakhlin island, island of...
saks n. saks, family name; town i...
sal n. sal, male first name
salace adj. salacious, lustful, lec...
salade n. lettuce, leafy garden veg...
salade de chou n. coleslaw
salade de choux n. slaw
salade de fruits n. fruit salad, fruit cockta...
salades n. fibs, tall stories
saladier n. bowl
salaire n. salary, wage, pay; earnin...
salaire brut n. gross pay
salaire de famine n. starvation wages
salaire mensuel n. monthly pay
salaire minimum n. minimum wages
salaires n. wages
salaison n. salting, cure
salamandre n. salamander, (zoology) tai...
salami n. salami, sausage made from...
salant n. small area of saltadj. sa...
salarial adj. wage agreement, deal be...
salariat n. wage earners
salaud adj. (slang) filthy, dirty, ...
sale adj. dirty, nasty, untidy, u...
sale chien n. cur, dog; mean person
sale gueule n. ugly mug
sale individu n. ugly customer
sale petit voyou n. punk, delinquent
sale type n. pig, rotter; ugly custome...
salem n. salem, capital of oregon ...
salement adv. dirtily, filthily
saler v. add salt, salt, cure, pic...
saleur n. salt spreader, salter
sali adj. spotted, stained
salicaire n. loosestrife
salicole adj. saline
salicorne n. saltwort, plant that belo...
salicylate n. salicylate, salt of salic...
salicylique adj. salicylic, of or derive...
salicylisme n. salicylism, condition cau...
salien adj. saliann. salian, member...
salifiable adj. salifiable (chemistry),...
salification n. salification (chemistry),...
salifier v. salify (chemistry), combi...
saligaud n. (slang) bastard
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