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English translation for "pagayer"

v. paddle, row, push a vessel through the water by paddling
Example Sentences:
1.Or "Tell them to fire faster; don't give up the ship."
"Let it run" (traduction: laissez aller): arrêter de pagayer et laisser le bateau glisser.
2.In 1998, Gjeldnes and Bjørn Loe became the first to paddle the Rio Merevari in Venezuela.
En 1998, Gjeldnes et Bjørn Ep sont devenus les premiers à pagayer le Rio Merevari au Venezuela.
3.However, Helveticosaurus also possessed a robust pectoral girdle and forelimbs that were well adapted for paddle like propulsion as a supplementary method of locomotion, as seen in secondarily aquatic tetrapods.
Helveticosaurus possédait cependant aussi une ceinture pectorale robuste et des membres antérieurs bien adaptés pour pagayer, comme on le voit chez les tétrapodes aquatiques secondaires.
4.Trys Morris and Bob Timms have attempted to paddle from UK to Australia 1999 & 2000, abandoning the expedition in Athens, Greece due to lack of funds and visas for Arabian countries.
Trys Morris et Bob Timms tentent de pagayer de Grande-Bretagne jusqu'en Australie en 1999 et 2000, mais abandonnent à Athènes (Grèce) faute de moyens financiers et de visas pour les pays arabes.
5.On April 28, 1752, while on a hunting and trapping trip along the Baker River, a tributary of the Pemigewasset River, he was captured by Abenaki warriors and brought back to Canada but not before warning his brother William to paddle away in his canoe, though David Stinson was killed.
Le 28 avril 1752, lors d'une expédition de piégeage et de chasse le long de la rivière Baker, un affluent de la rivière Pemigewasset, il fut capturé par des guerriers Abénaquis et ramené au Canada, mais a eu le temps d'avertir son frère William qui a eu le temps de pagayer dans son canot, mais David Stinson fut tué.
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