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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

parrainer v. sponsor, support
parraineur n. patronizer, sponsor; one ...
parricide adj. parricidal, pertaining ...
parsec n. (astronomy) parsec, 3.26 ...
parsemer v. sprinkle, scatter
parsemer de v. besprinkle
parsi n. parsee, indian zoroastria...
part n. part, share; quota, porti...
part de fondateur n. founder's share, stock ce...
part de lion n. lion share
part du lion n. lion's share, biggest par...
partage n. dividing, division; parce...
partage de ressources n. resource sharing (compute...
partage des ressources n. resource sharing (compute...
partage du pouvoir n. power sharing
partageant adj. sharingn. partaker, par...
partager v. divide, share; share out,...
partager en deux v. halve, divide into two
partager la joie de qqn v. share in someone's joy
partager la peine de qqn v. share in someone's sorrow
partager le point de vue v. see eye to eye with someo...
partager le sort v. cast lots
partager les frais avec v. go dutch
partager une chambre v. double up
partageur n. divider, person or thing ...
partageux n. socialist, advocate of so...
partagiciel n. shareware, shareware prog...
partance n. outbound, leaving; travel...
partant conj. consequently, thusn. r...
partenaire n. partner, copartner, assoc...
partenaire de rencontre n. pickup
partenariat n. partnership, association,...
parterre n. parterre, decoratively ar...
parterre de fleurs n. flowerbed
partez interj. begone, go away!, le...
parthenay n. parthenay, city in france
parthenon n. parthenon, temple to the ...
parthie n. parthia, ancient country ...
parti adj. absent, disappeared; (i...
parti au pouvoir n. ruling party
parti gauchiste n. left wing political party
parti majoritaire n. majority party
parti minoritaire n. minority party
parti sans parler adj. gone without saying
parti travailliste n. labor party, labour party
partial adj. one sided, prejudiced, ...
participant adj. participant, participat...
participatif adj. participatory
participation n. participation, involvemen...
participe n. participle, verb form tha...
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