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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

oblique adj. oblique, sidelong, side...
obliquement adv. obliquely, sideways, di...
obliquer v. skew, veer off
oblong adj. oblong, elongated (usua...
obnubilation n. obnubilation, obscuration...
obnubiler v. worry, obsess
obole n. obol, small contribution,...
obscur adj. dark, obscure; opaque, ...
obscurantisme n. obscurantism, resistance ...
obscurantiste n. obscurantist, one who opp...
obscurcir v. make dark, obscure; dim, ...
obscurcissement n. obscuranticism, state of ...
obscure n. gloom, dimness, sadness
observable adj. observable, discernible
observance n. observance, act of keepin...
observateur adj. observant, observingn. ...
observateur des oiseaux n. bird-watcher
observation n. observance, observation, ...
observation banale n. commonplace
observation des oiseaux n. bird-watching
observatoire n. observatory, observation ...
observer v. observe, watch; examen; n...
observer attentivement v. observe carefuly
observer le ramadan v. observe ramadan
observer une minute de silence v. observe a minute's silenc...
observer une promesse v. keep a promise, fulfill a...
obsessif adj. obsessed, abnormally pr...
obsession n. obsession, fixation
obsessionnel adj. obsessive, compulsive, ...
obsidienne n. obsidian, black transpare...
obsidional adj. obsidional
obsolescence n. obsolescence, state of be...
obsolescent adj. obsolescent, no longer ...
obstacle n. obstacle, barrier; obstru...
obstacle de sable n. sand trap
obstination n. obstinacy, stubbornness, ...
obstiner v. persist, persevere
obstructeur n. obstructer, someone or so...
obstructif adj. obstructive, interferin...
obstruction n. obstruction, blockage
obstructionnisme n. obstructionism, systemati...
obstructionniste n. obstructionist, one who i...
obstruer v. obstruct, block; stop up,...
obtenir v. obtain, acquire, get; gai...
obtenir le droit de vote v. win the right to vote, ge...
obtenir le soutien de qqn en faveur de v. drum up someone's support...
obtenir par la corruption v. graft
obtenir qqch v. win something
obtenir son doctorat v. obtain a doctorate
obtenir une augmentation v. get a raise
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