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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

incurieux adj. incurious, disintereste...
incursif adj. incursive, invasive, in...
incursion n. foray, incursion, inroad,...
incurvation n. flexure, bending
incus n. incus, middle of the thre...
indatable adj. undatable, not datable;...
inde n. india, large territory in...
indemne adj. unhurt, unscathed
indemnisable adj. compensable, entitled t...
indemnisation n. compensation, indemnity
indemniser v. indemnify, compensate
indention n. indention
indentition n. anodontia, absence of tee...
indenture n. indenture, contract which...
independentisme n. movement separatist
indes n. india, large territory in...
indes orientales n. east indies, southeast as...
indescriptible adj. indescribable, unspeaka...
indestructible adj. indestructible
indestructiblement adv. nondestructively, witho...
index n. forefinger, indicator, po...
indexage n. indexing
indexation n. indexation, adjustment of...
indexer v. index
indiana n. indiana, state in the cen...
indianapolis n. indianapolis, capital cit...
indic informer (slang)indic (ind...
indican n. indican, potassium salt p...
indicateur n. indicator, informer; tell...
indicateur de carburant n. fuel gauge, instrument fo...
indicateur de direction n. direction finder
indicateur de lien link marker
indicateur de pression n. pressure gauge, device th...
indicateur de tendances n. swingometer
indicateur de vitesse n. speedometer
indicatif adj. indicative, showingn. i...
indicatif de zone n. area code
indicatif musical n. signature
indication n. indication, sign; clue; i...
indication de la mesure n. time signature
indice n. indication, sign; index, ...
indice de la bourse n. share index
indice de la valeur unitaire n. unit value index
indice de protection solaire n. sun protection factor, nu...
indicible adj. ineffable, unspeakable,...
indiciblement adv. ineffably, inexpressibl...
indiction n. indiction
indien adj. indian, native american...
indien rouge n. buck, fox
indienne n. cotton print
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