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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

grands fonds n. ocean deeps
grands titres n. headnotes, titles, highli...
grands traits n. outlines
grands-parents n. grandparents
grange n. barn, farm building used ...
granit n. granite, hard course-grai...
granite n. granite, hard course-grai...
granivore adj. granivorous, seed-eatin...
granodiorite n. granodiorite, variety of ...
granola n. granola, breakfast food m...
granulaire adj. granular
granulation n. granulation
granule n. granule, granulation
granuler v. grain
granuleux adj. granular, grainy, granu...
granulite n. granulite, type of rock
granulocytaire adj. granulocytic
granulomatose n. granulomatosis, disease c...
granulome n. granuloma, type of tumor ...
granville n. granville, city in france
graphe n. graph, chart
graphie n. written form (linguistics...
graphique adj. graphic, graphicaln. ch...
graphique en mode point n. bit-mapped graphics (comp...
graphiquement adv. graphically
graphisme n. handwriting
graphiste n. graphic artist, one skill...
graphite adj. graphiten. graphite, bl...
graphitique adj. graphitic, of or pertai...
graphitiser v. graphitize, convert into ...
graphologie n. graphology, determination...
graphologique adj. graphological, of or pe...
graphologue n. graphologist, expert in t...
graphomanie n. grapho-mania, obsessive d...
graphomoteur adj. graphomotor, of the mov...
grappe n. cluster, truss; tuft, rac...
grappiller v. gather
grappin n. grapnel, grappling iron, ...
gras adj. fat, fleshyn. fat, oily...
grass n. grass, family name; gunte...
grasse n. grasse, city in france
grassement adv. abundantly paid
grasseyement n. bur, guttural pronunciati...
grasseyer v. bur, guttural pronunciati...
grassouillet adj. podgy, plump, roly-poly
grateron n. catchweed, cleavers, beds...
gratia n. gratia, female first name
graticiel n. freeware, copyrighted pro...
gratification n. bonus, perquisite, gratif...
gratifier v. gratify, satisfy
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