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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

faire brosser v. brush
faire brouiller v. bedevil, cloud
faire broyer v. crunch, scrunch
faire bruire v. rustle
faire caca v. pooh
faire cacher v. hide
faire cahoter v. jog
faire calcifier v. calcify
faire calciner v. calcine
faire calculer v. calculate
faire calembour v. play with words
faire calibrer v. calibrate
faire calmer v. calm, cool, ease, hush
faire campagne v. agitate
faire camper v. encamp
faire candir v. candy
faire canular v. hoax
faire capable v. capacitate
faire capturer v. capture
faire carburer v. carburet
faire caresse v. caress
faire casquer v. bleed, soak
faire ceindre v. girdle
faire centraliser v. centralize
faire centrer v. center on, centre on
faire cesser v. cease
faire cession v. assign
faire changer v. change
faire changer de place v. reseat
faire chanter v. blackmail
faire charbonner v. coal
faire charger v. burden, deck
faire chauffer v. heat up, warm, chafe
faire chavirer v. overturn
faire chevalier v. knight
faire chicaner v. chicane
faire choix de v. choose
faire choquer v. be shocked
faire chorus v. chime
faire chorus avec qqn v. join in with someone
faire chut v. shush
faire chute v. toss
faire chuter v. cave in, tumble-down
faire circuler v. spread, circulate, circum...
faire circuler partout v. overspread
faire circuler un rumeur v. spread rumour
faire citer v. cite
faire civiliser v. civilize
faire claquer v. crack, snap
faire claquer les doigts v. snap one's fingers
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