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English translation for "employer"

v. use; employ, exercise, harness; bestow
Example Sentences:
1.We must ensure that we work together.
nous devons nous employer à travailler ensemble.
2.These are the words we must use.
ce sont ces mots-là qu'il faut employer.
3.We should work to preserve this model.
nous devrions nous employer à préserver ce modèle.
4.Please stop talking about people being superannuated.
merci de ne plus employer le mot "vieillissement".
5.You , mr solana , must employ them.
vous , m. solana , devez les employer.
6.I should just like to use three words.
je voudrais juste employer trois mots.
7.We cannot employ a one-size-fits-all policy.
nous ne pouvons pas employer une politique unique.
8.Parliament will continue to be committed to this.
le parlement continuera à s'y employer.
9.Other action needs to be taken.
il faut employer d'autres moyens.
10.Which language are we going to speak?
laquelle allons-nous employer ?
Similar Words:
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