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English translation for "edith"

n. edith, woman's name; piaf, edith piaf (1915-63), french singer famous for her voice and pathetic interpretations of her "realistic" songs
Example Sentences:
1.In 1909 he married Rhoda Edith Knox-Little.
En 1909, il épouse Rhoda Edith Knox-Petit.
2.Antall had a sister, Edith Antall.
József Antall a une sœur, Edith Antall.
3.Edith Hirsch was born in 1921 in Poland.
Edith Hirsch naît en Pologne en 1921.
4.Cetta stayed with him until his death.
Edith est restée avec lui jusqu'à sa mort.
5.Following the marriage, Edith was disinherited.
Après le mariage, Edith est déshéritée.
6.The costumes were by Edith Head.
J'étais avec Edith Head, la costumière.
7.In 1926 he married Edith Specterman.
En 1926, il épouse Edith Specterman.
8.In 1927, he married Edith Wilhelmine Hasvold.
En 1927, il s'est marié avec Edith Wilhelmine Hasvold.
9.She was joined by Teresa Billington-Greig and Edith How-Martyn.
Elle fut rejointe par Teresa Billington-Greig et Edith How-Martyn.
10.In 1890 he married Edith Blanche de Rubain.
Il se marie avec Edith Blanche de Rubain en 1890.
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