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English translation for "ectoplasme"

n. ectoplasm, outer part of the cytoplasm (biology); radiation supposedly emitted by the body of a medium
Example Sentences:
1.The amoebozoan cell is typically divided into a granular central mass, called endoplasm, and a clear outer layer, called ectoplasm.
La cellule est généralement divisée en une masse granuleuse centrale, appelée endoplasme, et une couche extérieure, appelée ectoplasme.
2.When he attaches Chika's right hand, or rather his own original right hand, he can generate a 9½ inch revolver, which has the power to harm zombies with its spiritual bullets using his own ectoplasm.
Avec la main droite de Chika, originellement sa propre main droite, il peut produite un revolver Ruger Super Redhawk, qui a le pouvoir de faire du mal aux zombies avec ses balles spirituelles utilisant son propre ectoplasme.
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