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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

encrier de bureau n. inkstand
encrier de pupitre n. inkwell
encryptage n. encryption, coding, ciphe...
enculer v. sodomize, subject to oral...
encyclique adj. encyclic, intended to b...
end n. weekend, days of rest at ...
endermique adj. endermic, absorbed thro...
endettement n. indebtedness, obligation ...
endetter v. put into debt
endeuiller v. plunge into mourning
endiguement n. containment, act or polic...
endiguer v. dike, dyke; hold back, cu...
endimancher v. put on one's sunday's bes...
endive n. chicory; endive
endo pref. endo
endocardite n. endocarditis, inflammatio...
endocrine adj. endocrine
endocrinien adj. endocrinous, of endocri...
endocrinologie n. endocrinology, study of t...
endocrinologique adj. endocrinologic, pertain...
endocrinologue n. endocrinologist, expert i...
endocrynopathie n. endocrinopathy, disease w...
endoctrinement n. indoctrinate, instruct in...
endoctriner v. indoctrinate, teach
endodermal adj. endodermal, of the endo...
endoderme n. endoderm, inner layer of ...
endodoniste n. endodontist, expert in en...
endogamie n. endogamy, practice of mar...
endolori adj. sore, painful, hurting
endolorir v. make painful
endolorissement n. soreness, achiness
endommagement n. damage, injury
endommager v. damage, harm; spoil, batt...
endoparasite n. endoparasite, internal pa...
endophytique adj. endophytic (botany); pe...
endoplasmique adj. endoplasmic, of endopla...
endormi adj. asleep, dormant, fast a...
endormir v. benumb, put to sleep, sen...
endormir un enfant v. lull, cause to fall aslee...
endosperme n. endosperm
endospore n. endospore, internal coat ...
endossable adj. endorsable, can be endo...
endossement n. endorsement, indorsement
endosser v. put on, endorse, assume
endosseur n. endorser, one who signs a...
endosternite n. endosternite
endosteum n. endosteum
endostosise n. endostosis
endotherme n. endotherm, warm-blooded a...
endothermie n. endothermy, absorption of...
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