calendrier des rencontres n. timetable | calendrier julien n. julian calendar, calendar... | calendrier romain n. roman calendar, calendar ... | calendula n. calendula, type of plant | calepin n. notebook, pocket book | caler v. wedge, chock, prop, cut o... | calfat n. calker, part on a horsesh... | calfater v. caulk | calfateur n. caulker | calfeutrage n. weather strip, strip of m... | calfeutrer v. make resistant to wind | calgary n. calgary, city in southwes... | caliban n. caliban, beastlike slave ... | calibrage n. calibration, adjusting | calibration n. calibration, act of calib... | calibre n. caliber, grade; standard | calibrer v. grade, classify | calibrer une illustration v. scale, adjust the size of... | calice n. chalice; cup, bell | calicot n. calico | califat n. caliphate | calife n. caliph, title formerly gi... | californie n. california, state in the ... | californien adj. californian, of or from... | californium n. californium, radioactive ... |
| califourchon n. straddle, sit or stand wi... | caligula n. caligula (12-41 a.d. born... | calista n. calista, female first nam... | calista flockhart n. calista flockhart (born 1... | calleux adj. callous | calligraphie n. calligraphy, penmanship | calligraphier v. calligraph | calligraphique adj. calligraphic, written b... | callot n. alley (sports) | calmant adj. calming, tranquilizing,... | calmar n. squid, ten-armed cephalop... | calme adj. quiet, calm, peaceful, ... | calme plat n. dead silence, complete si... | calmement adv. quietly, calmly, evenly | calmer v. calm, pacify; deaden; soo... | calomel n. calomel, white powder con... | calomniateur n. calumniator, slanderer | calomnie n. calumny, slander; libel, ... | calomnier v. slander, calumniate, defa... | calomnieux adj. slanderous, libellous, ... | calorie n. calorie | calorification n. calorification | calorifique adj. calorificn. calorifics | calorifuge adj. heat insultingn. noncon... | calorifuger v. insulate, lag |