cadreur n. cameraman | caduc adj. caducous, deciduous, ob... | caecal adj. cecal, (anatomy) pertai... | caecum n. part of the large intesti... | caen n. caen, city in france | caf family allowance office&caf... | cafard n. cockroach; blues, state o... | cafardage n. sneaking, talebearing, ta... | cafarder v. sneak, tattle (slang), sn... | cafarder contre v. tell on | cafetan n. kaftan, caftan, long belt... | cafetier n. cafe owner | cafouillage n. muddle, mess, slip up, sh... | cafouiller v. get into a muddle, slip u... | cafres n. kaffir, black south afric... | caftan n. caftan, kaftan, long belt... | cafter v. fink, inform, sneak | cafteur n. anonymouse, individual wh... | cag agc, automatic gain control,... | cage n. cage | cage thoracique n. chest | cageot n. crate | cagibi n. cubby-hole, small open co... | cagneux adj. knock-needed | cagney n. cagney, family name; jame... |
| cagnotte n. kitty, jackpot, pool, pot | cagot adj. sanctimonious, hypocrit... | cagoule n. cowl, hood; balaclava | cahana n. cahana, family name | cahier n. notebook, quire, book | cahier journal n. workbook | cahin-caha adv. so so, mediocre | cahors n. cahors, city in france | cahot n. judder, jolt | cahotage n. jolt | cahotant adj. jolting, rough | cahoter v. bump along, jolt, jerk, j... | cahoteux adj. jolty, bumpy, rough | cahute n. hovel, shack, hut | caille n. quail | caillebotis n. duckboard | caillement n. curd | cailler v. clot, curdle, coagulate | caillette n. stomach, maw | caillot n. clot, curd | caillou n. stone, pebble | caillouteux adj. stony, pebbly, gravelly | caire n. cairo, capital city of eg... | cairn n. cairn, pile of stones set... | cairote adj. from cairo |