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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

cadreur n. cameraman
caduc adj. caducous, deciduous, ob...
caecal adj. cecal, (anatomy) pertai...
caecum n. part of the large intesti...
caen n. caen, city in france
caf family allowance office&caf...
cafard n. cockroach; blues, state o...
cafardage n. sneaking, talebearing, ta...
cafarder v. sneak, tattle (slang), sn...
cafarder contre v. tell on
cafetan n. kaftan, caftan, long belt...
cafetier n. cafe owner
cafouillage n. muddle, mess, slip up, sh...
cafouiller v. get into a muddle, slip u...
cafres n. kaffir, black south afric...
caftan n. caftan, kaftan, long belt...
cafter v. fink, inform, sneak
cafteur n. anonymouse, individual wh...
cag agc, automatic gain control,...
cage n. cage
cage thoracique n. chest
cageot n. crate
cagibi n. cubby-hole, small open co...
cagneux adj. knock-needed
cagney n. cagney, family name; jame...
cagnotte n. kitty, jackpot, pool, pot
cagot adj. sanctimonious, hypocrit...
cagoule n. cowl, hood; balaclava
cahana n. cahana, family name
cahier n. notebook, quire, book
cahier journal n. workbook
cahin-caha adv. so so, mediocre
cahors n. cahors, city in france
cahot n. judder, jolt
cahotage n. jolt
cahotant adj. jolting, rough
cahoter v. bump along, jolt, jerk, j...
cahoteux adj. jolty, bumpy, rough
cahute n. hovel, shack, hut
caille n. quail
caillebotis n. duckboard
caillement n. curd
cailler v. clot, curdle, coagulate
caillette n. stomach, maw
caillot n. clot, curd
caillou n. stone, pebble
caillouteux adj. stony, pebbly, gravelly
caire n. cairo, capital city of eg...
cairn n. cairn, pile of stones set...
cairote adj. from cairo
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