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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

carquois n. quiver, case for carrying...
carragheen n. carrageen, edible seaweed...
carreau n. tile; window pane, check;...
carrefour n. intersection, junction, c...
carrel n. carrel
carrelage n. tiles, flooring, paving
carreler v. tile, pave
carrelet n. plaice
carreleur n. tiler
carrer v. squaring, forming into a ...
carrey n. carrey, family name; jim ...
carrie n. carrie, female first name
carrier n. quarryman, one who excava...
carriole n. old cart
carron n. carron, family name; carr...
carrossable adj. passable
carrosse n. horse-drawn carriage
carrosserie n. bodywork, body
carrossier n. coach builder
carrousel n. carousel
carrure n. stature, build; shoulders
carson n. carson, family name; male...
carson mccullers n. carson mccullers (1917-19...
cartable n. schoolbag, satchel
carte n. card, map, chart; ticket,...
carte alimentaire n. ration card
carte audio n. sound card, expansion boa...
carte blanche n. carte blanche
carte de membre n. membership card
carte de presse n. card, presscard
carte de restaurant n. card
carte de visite n. visiting card
carte des vins n. wine list
carte en relief n. relief map
carte lettre n. lettercard
carte murale n. wall map, large map that ...
carte orange n. monthly ticket
carte politique n. political map
carte postale n. postcard, card, postal ca...
carte professionnelle n. business card
carte sensible n. clickable image map
carte verte n. green card
cartel n. cartel, coalition, trust
cartellisation n. cartelism, policy of comb...
cartelliser v. cartelise, become a carte...
carter n. carter, male first name; ...
carthage n. carthage, ancient city in...
carthaginois adj. carthaginian, of the an...
carthame n. carthamus, family of plan...
cartilage n. cartilage
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