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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

banal adj. banal, trivial, commonp...
banalement adv. banally, in a commonpla...
banaliser v. make mundane; trivialize
banane n. banana; plantain
bananier n. banana, banana tree, type...
banay n. banay, family name; yossi...
banbury n. banbury, town in southern...
banc n. bench, seat; bed; bank; b...
banc continental n. continental shelf, raised...
banc de glace n. ice field, large sheet of...
banc de nage n. thwart
banc de neige n. snowbank, mound or pile o...
banc de poisson n. shoal
banc de roches n. reef, ridge of coral or r...
banc de sable n. shoal, cay, sandbank
banc de vase n. mudbank
banc des magistrats magistrates bench
bancable adj. bankable
bancaire adj. banking
bancal adj. rickety, unsound; bandy...
bancroft n. bancroft, family name
bandage n. bandage, binder; band
bandage herniaire n. truss
bandai n. bandai, japanese company ...
bandana n. bandanna, colored handker...
bande n. band, stripe, strip; band...
bande de gaza n. gaza strip, section of la...
bande de loups n. wolf gathering
bande de papier n. slip up
bande de roulement n. tread
bande de terre n. panhandle
bande de voleurs n. gang of thielves
bande enregistreuse n. recording chart
bande noire n. terrorist gang, group of ...
bande passante n. bandwidth, range of frequ...
bande sonore n. sound track
bande-annonce n. trailer, motion picture p...
bande-son n. soundtrack, narrow band o...
bandeau n. headband, bandeau; blindf...
bandelette n. band, strip
bander v. bandage; bend, arch; have...
bander les yeux v. blindfold
banderas n. banderas, family name; an...
banderole n. banderole; pennon, stream...
bandit n. bandit, gangster
bandit de grands chemins n. highwayman
banditisme n. banditry, brigandage, cri...
bandoline n. bandoline
bang interj. sonic boom, sound wh...
bangalore n. bangalore, city in southe...
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