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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

absolument adv. absolutely, completely,...
absolument pas adv. absolutely not emphatic...
absolution n. absolution, shrift
absolutisme n. absolutism
absolutiste n. absolutist, one who suppo...
absolutoire adj. of absolution
absorbable adj. absorbable, able to be ...
absorbance n. absorbance, percentage of...
absorbant adj. absorbent, absorbing; t...
absorber v. absorb; drink; occupy; as...
absorbeur n. absorber, person or thing...
absorptif adj. absorptive, capable of ...
absorption n. absorption; soaking; imbi...
absoudre v. absolve, acquit; pardon
abstenir v. abstain, refrain from
abstention n. abstention, abstain; forb...
abstention de toute boisson alcoolique n. teetotalism, abstinence f...
abstentionnisme n. abstentionism, policy of ...
abstentionniste n. abstainer
abstinence n. abstinence, self-restrain...
abstinent adj. abstinent, characterize...
abstraction n. abstraction, abstract
abstractionnisme n. abstractionism, theory of...
abstractionniste adj. abstractionist, not rep...
abstraire v. abstract, remove; theoriz...
abstrait adj. abstract, intangible, t...
abstraitement adv. in abstracto, abstractl...
abstrus adj. abstruse, ambiguous; re...
absurde adj. senseless, absurd; prep...
absurdement adv. absurdly, irrationally;...
abu n. abu, family name
abuja n. abuja, capital city of ni...
abulia n. abulia, neurosis characte...
abus n. abuse, maltreatment; misu...
abus sexuel n. sexual abuse
abuser v. abuse, misuse; impose, co...
abuser de v. trespass on
abuser de la gentillesse v. impose on someone
abuser de qqn v. take advantage of, use to...
abusif adj. abusive, unfair; mistre...
abusivement adv. improperly, incorrectly...
aby warburg n. aby warburg (1866-1929), ...
abyssal adj. abyssal, immeasurable
abysse n. abyss, abysm, immeasurabl...
abyssin n. abyssinian, resident of a...
abyssinie n. abyssinia, former name of...
abyssinien adj. abyssiniann. abyssinian...
acabit n. type
acacia n. acacia, small tree or shr...
acadie n. acadia, former french col...
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