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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

aduler v. idolize, adore, venerate;...
adulte adj. fully grown, mature, ad...
advection n. advection, horizontal cur...
advenir v. happen, befall
adventice adj. adventitious
adverbe n. adverb, part of speech us...
adverbial adj. adverbial, relating to ...
adverbialement adv. adverbially, in a way w...
adverbialiser v. adverbialize, to give the...
adversaire adj. opponent, contradicting...
adversatif adj. adversative, contrastin...
adverse adj. adverse, contrary
advertorial n. advertorial, advertisemen...
adynamie n. adynamia, weakness
aele efta, european free trade as...
aen aea, atomic energy authority...
aerarium n. aerarium, the state treas...
af child benefitsaf (allocati...
afars n. afars
affable adj. affable, benignant, gen...
affablement adv. blandly, genially
affacturage n. factoring
affactureur n. factor, financier, money ...
affaibli adj. effete, enervate
affaiblir v. weaken, soften; incapacit...
affaiblissant adj. weakening, diminishing
affaiblissement n. weakening, diminution; we...
affaire n. matter, business; affair;...
affaire en or n. gold brick
affaire en question n. matter in hand
affaire lucrative n. moneymaker
affaire sans valeur n. bubble
affairer v. busy, occupy oneself
affaires n. affairs, business, commer...
affaires personnelles n. personal belongings
affairisme n. (politics) racketeering, ...
affairiste n. wheeler
affaissement n. subsidence, sag; sinking,...
affaisser v. subside, decline
affalement n. flopperoo, act of floppin...
affaler v. haul down, lower
affamer v. starve, famish
affect n. affect, influence
affectable adj. assignable, attributabl...
affectation n. allocation, allotment, as...
affectation de fonds n. appropriation of funds, a...
affecter v. affect, allocate, allot; ...
affectif adj. affective, sentimental
affection n. affection; ailment, affli...
affectionner v. love, have great affectio...
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